The Harvard classics

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       The Harvard classics / edited by Charles W. Eliot. – New York : P.F. Collier, 1937.
       51 v.
       Contents: Vol.1. The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, The Journal of John Woolman, Frouits of solitude -- V.2. The apology, Phaedo and crito of Plato, The Golden saying of Epictetus, The meditations of Marcus Aurelius -- V.3. Essays, Civil and moral and the new Allantis, Aeropagitica and tractate on education, Religiomedical -- V.4. The complete poems of John Milton -- V.5. Essays and English traits -- V.6. The poems and songs of Robert Burns -- V.7. The confessions of St. Augustine -- V.8. Nine Greek dramas -- V.9. Letters of Gailes plinius calcilius Secundees -- V.10. An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations -- v.11. The origin of species -- V.12. Plutarch's lives -- V.13.Virgil's Ancid -- V.14. The pilgrim's progress the lives of John Donne and George Herbert -- V.16. Stories from the thousand and one nights -- V.17. Folklore and table -- V.18. Modern English drama -- V.19. Johann Wolfgang Van Goeth -- V.20. The Divine comedy of Dante Alighiere -- V.21 I promesoi spasi -- V.22. The Odyssey of Homer -- v.23.Two years before the mast -- v.24. Edmund Burke -- V.25. John Stuart Mill : a autobiography, Thomas Carlyle : characteristics inaugural address -- V.26. Continental drama -- V.27. English essays -- V.28. Essays English and American -- V.29. The Voyage of Beagle -- V.30. Scientitic papers -- V.31. The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini -- V32. Literary and philosophical essays -- V.33.Voyage and travels -- V.34. French and English philosophers -- V.35. Chronicle and romance -- V.36. The prince, utopia, ninety five theses -- V.37. English philosophers -- V.38. Scientific papers -- V.39.Prefaces and prologues -- V.40.English poetry(I) -- V.41. English poetry (II) -- V.42. English poetry (III) -- V.43. American historical documents -- V.44. Sacred writings (I) -- V.45. Sacred writings (II) -- V.46. Elizabethan drama (I) -- V.48. Elizabethan drama (II) -- V.49. Epic and saga -- V.50 The editors introduction, reader's guide, index -- V.51. Lectures on the Harvard Classics.
        . ENGLISH LITERATURE   . [Title]

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